Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Upgraded your system to Windows 8.1? Time to free up some disk space

Upgraded your system to Windows 8.1? Time to free up some disk space

Whenever you update your Windows operating system, be it by installing security or other patches, or by upgrading to a new service pack or even operating system version, a copy of the previous version of files is stored on the system so that it is possible to rollback the update.
An indicator that this is indeed the case is the Windows.old folder that you may have sitting on your computer's primary hard drive. It contains files and folders that were part of the previous version of Windows installed on the PC.
That's great if you run into troubles on the updated system, but it also means that storage space is being used by those rollback files that could be used otherwise.
After a while, those files become dead weight as you won't need them to roll back to a previous version of the operating system anymore.

Free up Disk Space after Windows 8.1 upgrade

If you have upgraded your operating system to Windows 8.1 recently from Windows 8, or maybe even from Windows 7 to 8 and then 8.1, then you may have Gigabytes of old versions stored on your operating system that you may not need anymore.
Tip: I suggest you work with the new system at least for one or two days to make sure that everything is working as intended. This includes connecting external hardware to the system and running all important applications that you rely on.
The Windows Disk Cleanup tool has been designed to remove temporary or old files from Windows that are no longer needed. This includes files from previous operating system installations as well as updates, and files that are no longer needed because they have been replaced with a newer version.
disk cleanup
Windows 8.1 users who upgraded their system from Windows 8 or Windows 7 may discover that they can remove Gigabytes of space from the system when they run the cleanup tool. The easiest way to run the tool is the following:
  • Tap on the Windows-key if you are not on the start screen.
  • Type Disk Cleanup and select "Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files".
  • Click on the button "clean up system files". The application restarts and additional cleanup options are available.
  • Look for the entry "Previous Windows installation(s)" and "Windows Update Cleanup" and check how much disk space you can recover if you clean these.
  • Select all areas of the operating system that you want to clean and click on ok afterwards.
  • Note: if you select those options, you will no longer be able to restore the previous version of Windows or a previous update.
Tip: I'd recommend that you run the tool a couple of days after installing updates (to make sure everything is running ok) to free up disk space, especially if storage space is scarce on your primary drive

Restrict local IMAP email copies in Thunderbird to save disk space and speed up search

Restrict local IMAP email copies in Thunderbird to save disk space and speed up search

If you have a lot of emails stored in the Thunderbird email client, you may have noticed two things: that the emails are taking quite the chunk of disk space, and that the performance of search may have deteriorated.
This can be an issue, especially if you use search often or are running low on disk space. While some of you may need access to an email archive that dates back five or even ten years, others may not need access to emails that old, at least not locally.
One suggestion for this particular situation is to archive emails in the excellent Mailstore Home email backup application. Once archived, you deleted the old emails in Thunderbird but can still access them in the Mailstore program whenever the need arises.
If you do not want to use Mailstore, or prefer a native solution, then you can make changes to how Thunderbird synchronizes and stores emails for IMAP accounts.

Restrict local copies in Thunderbird

Thunderbird will sync all email messages by default, regardless of age. A local copy is kept for search, so that you can search a single account or use the global search feature to find text not only in email headers but also in the body.
The email client offers two options to deal with emails that you do not longer need direct access to:
  1. Synchronize by age only
  2. Delete old email messages
thunderbird local copies
To make the modifications do the following:
  1. Select Tools > Account Settings or right-click on the inbox of the account that you want to configure and select Settings.
  2. Switch to the Synchronization & Storage menu listed under the account.
The default setting under Disk Space is to synchronize all messages locally regardless of age. If you want to restrict that, select "Synchronize the most recent" and select a a time frame in days, weeks, months or years that you are comfortable with (e.g 1 year).
Note: This won't affect the state of messages that have already been downloaded to your email program immediately. It may take a while before the body of those messages does not show up anymore in the client. The emails are still listed, but when you click on them, they are downloaded from the server.
The second option that you have is to configure Thunderbird to automatically delete messages. You can either select to keep only a certain number of emails at all times, e.g. 2000, or delete messages that are older than a certain age automatically. If you are using starred messages, you can select to keep those regardless of the modifications you make here.
Tip: You can configure the search -- under Edit > Find > Search Messages to run the search on the server. This can be useful if you have restricted local email copies but need to search emails that you have received before that period of time.
run search on server

Closing Words

This tip is mostly for situations where you computer is running out of disk space or when you have noticed that sear

HDD Expert checks your hard drive’s health and performance

HDD Expert checks your hard drive’s health and performance

The hard drive is one of the essential parts of most computer systems. What makes it special is that it contains data, so that a hard drive failure or errors can have consequences that are more serious than failures of other PC components.
While those may hurt too, considering that you may buy a new piece of equipment, a hard drive failure may lead to data loss if there are no backups or only partial backups.
Hard drive health monitoring software usually checks SMART data of hard drives that offer many different information including the minimum and maximum temperature, read errors, performance information, and for how many power cycles it has been in use.
HDD Expert is a free software for the Microsoft Windows operating system that comes as a setup and portable version.

HDD Expert Review

If you have downloaded the portable version, you can start it right from the directory it was extracted to. The program displays all hard drives connected to the PC at the time of start under General.
hdd expert
Here you can switch between the hard drives to look at their values. Next to that are important information such as the current temperature reading of the hard drive -- usually 0 for Solid State Drives -- and the number of power cycles and operating hours.
The message pane on the right highlights whether the drive's health status and temperature is ok or not, and also offers suggestions on how to improve the situation. It suggests to create a backup for example, and if temperature reaches critical levels, to consider adding fans to the hard drive.
Side note: The Fans and Spare buttons link to the Amazon website where hard drive fans or spare hard drives can be purchased. The Backup button to the website of the developer where a download software can be downloaded.
The SMART data is displayed under Errors / Damage. The title of the pane is not that appropriate, considering that the data does not necessarily display any errors or damages if the hard drive's health is good.
You can check the error rates here in detail, or simply trust the program's interpretation under Message.
The only other option that HDDExpert provides you with is to enable the automatic refresh feature so that data is refreshed automatically in intervals.


The portable program is great for a quick check-up of your hard drives, but lacks notification features so that you need to use it actively when you want to check the health or performance of the connected drives.

Adblock Plus blocks some Facebook annoyances now (if you want)

Adblock Plus blocks some Facebook annoyances now (if you want)

Facebook has been the dominating social networking site on the Internet for the past years. Even Google with all its might did not manage to push its Google+ service past Facebook. While that does not mean that Facebook will still be number one in five years or so, it is fair to say that things won't change anytime soon in regards to being the top dog in the social networking world.
The majority of changes that Facebook makes on its website are controversial, due to the large amount of users and how they use the site. Whenever something changes, you can be sure that part of the user base does not like it and tries everything to stay away from those changes.
The popular -- but also controversial - ad blocking software Adblock Plus can now be configured to block some of the annoyances on Facebook so that you do not see those page elements anymore on the site.

Facebook annoyances

block annoyances facebook
Here is the list of page elements that it can take care of for you:
  • Featured music services
  • Games your friends are playing
  • Game requests or invitations
  • Upcoming events
  • Most shared on page
  • Recently released albums
  • Similar to page
  • Page X is posting about Page Y
  • Page X is similar to Pages you like
  • Like your favorite pages
  • Right sidebar on app/game pages
Tip: You can use the block list in other extensions and programs as well. The list is accessible here. Depending on your extension, you may be able to import it right away -- should work for Adblock Plus forks for example -- or use the style information in programs of your own to remove those elements from Facebook. To add this to Adblock Edge for example, you would click on the extension icon, select Filter Preferences from the context menu, there add filter subscription, then add a different subscription, to add the Facebook annoyances filter list location and subscription title manually to the extension.
Anyway, if you have installed Adblock Plus, you can head over to the Facebook page on the website to add one of the three available filters to the extension.
Here you can either block all Facebook annoyances, only news feed annoyances, or only sidebar annoyances on the social networking site.


If you are a regular on Facebook and annoyed by at least one of the elements that Adblock Plus's new filter list can block for you, then you may want to give this a try either directly from with the ad blocker, or by using the information provided by the list in third party tools such as CSS Adblock or Remove It Permanently for Firefox.